Windows XP Gui Test
Windows XP Gui Test
  • Highlights
  • For Developers
Windows XP Gui Test 2.0 Beta 4
A new update has been released! Check out the update log.
Make your own Windows XP Gui Test
Make your own Windows XP Gui Test
Windows XP Gui Test is now uncopylocked, meaning you... yes you, can now make your own version of the simulator! You can do anything! (PC/Mac required)
  • Resources
    Asset downloads for Windows XP Gui Test that may be required for making your own version of the simulator.
  • Windows XP Gui Test 2.0 Test Place
    An unreleased version of Windows XP Gui Test that was intended to be completley merged with the game for 2.0. You can try to merge it yourself though!
  • Windows XP Gui Test 2.0 Beta 3
    An unfinished update for Windows XP Gui Test, that includes a very broken Roblox and an unfinished Half-Life.